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About Us
Welcome to Genius Unlocked! Genius Unlocked Inc. is a training company that helps anyone master the skill of learning, which leads to success in any high-stake exam or test. We also empower individuals to discover satisfying and future-proof careers. Our team believes that everybody is born genius and that they deserve a chance to unravel the same. Here, we aim to unlock the hidden genius in everyone and help them see the limitless possibilities the future has in store for all of us. Life is full of opportunities, and one should not miss out on discovering and experiencing more.
Our Values
The core value we believe in and which is embodied in our actions and behaviors are:
Our Vision
After gaining 100+ years of collective industry experience on the team, winning numerous awards in the field, and collectively delivering than 1 million hours of training across technologies, industry domains, and individuals in diverse roles, we realized two things.
- With the speed of change and competition increasing every day, the most critical and foundational skill is – HOW TO LEARN and UNLEARN! Everyone needs it, but ironically, no one is trained to learn and unlock the genius inside you.
- There is significant disruption across occupations, and millions of individuals are switching professions. More than ever, it’s critical that individuals discover their passions first and then find career options that align to those passions as sustainable exemplary performance and career growth is only achieved when an individual is deeply passionate about their craft.
And, our slogan reflects our vision on this reality – LEARN. EXCEL. SUCCEED. In alignment with various industry reports, we passionately believe that all of us need to continuously LEARN and unlearn to adapt to change and lead it. If we do this, it will enable us to EXCEL in whatever we do and SUCCEED in our careers and life.
Our exam-specific training programs are holistic programs that comprise best-in-class research and a blend of learning solutions for long-lasting impact towards results you seek – high scores in exams. Each program is custom designed and leverages e-learning, live training sessions, an integrated learner community moderated by an expert, and a ‘Genius Review System’ that couriered to the learner’s home. From entry-level packages like ‘Foundations 2 Success’ to advanced products called ‘Accelerate Your Success’, we have toolkits for learners of all age groups and unique needs.
Genius Unlocked also provides highly specialized and systematic career coaching services by experts having 10+ years of industry experience. Each coaching engagement lasts between 4-6 weeks. We partner closely with individuals and their parents (if required) and help them pave a path and approach career development strategically rather than a ‘spray and prey’ approach.
Our approach is unique. Our certified experts use highly reliable assessments and a scientific method to deeply look into the aspirants’ passions, potential career options, and alignment to high-growth professions. We believe that you can excel at anything if you have a passion for it.
And our mission here is to extract the inherent genius qualities everyone carries and put them to action. In the world of the internet and the need for instant gratification, there are many answers to any question. But, when it comes to someone’s career, we wish to be the ones who give out the best and carefully thought-through recommendation to a career-choice query.
We make sure that learners who choose our services keep learning, re-learning, and reinventing themselves to keep pace with change. With our services, we wish to build a community of passionate learners who know how to learn faster and who carry the uniqueness to contribute to the world’s future.